Remember the old adage
"You don’t get anything for free!"
Members should beware of FREE Trial offers on products, vitamins, medicines, etc. They boast that you only have to pay for the shipping. Please take a few minutes to carefully read the term and conditions of any offer before providing your Debit or Credit Card information to these websites.
What some merchants are doing is actually signing you up for “automatic” delivery of a product whether you want it or not. They also require you to submit your cancellation within 14 days of ordering the “free” trial samples. When you don’t cancel, you might be charged anywhere from $80.00 to $100.00 or more for the next shipment.
Unfortunately, we’ve had a few members who learned this the hard way. Educating yourself and reading all the fine print is crucial to avoid any confusion and unnecessary expenses. Remember, stay vigilant when shopping online.
![Nothing is Free](